Georgina Joshi Endowment for the SBYSO

The Georgina Joshi Endowment for the SBYSO was created in 2014 through the generosity of the family of Yatish Joshi and Louise Addicott Joshi, to honor their daughter Georgina. Georgina began her formal voice training at the age of eight, studied violin from the age of three, attended John Adams High School, the Royal College of Music in London, and the Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University, and performed locally as concertmistress of the South Bend Youth Symphony Orchestra, the Indiana University South Bend Philharmonic, South Bend Chamber Singers. She has also participated in renowned summer music programs at Interlochen, Tanglewood Music Center, the Aspen Music Festival and School, and performed throughout the United States and Europe. Support from this endowment has allowed the SBYSO to expand current programs and add existing programs for SBYSO students. These include:
- Significant increase in programming budget, to bring soloists to perform with Symphony Orchestra. 2016-17 soloists include Timothy McAllister (saxophone) and Ben Runkel (percussion)
- Increase in music rental budget, to obtain challenging and cutting-edge music for our ensembles, including music from Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring being performed in Feb. 2017
- Creation of the Georgina Joshi Travel Program for the SBYSO, which funds an annual trip for SBYSO musicians. In November 2015 this fund allowed the SBYSO to take more than 50 students to hear the Chicago Symphony Orchestra perform and to meet guest conductor Marin Alsop. Our second trip, in May 2018, featured the CSO performing the soundtrack to Star Wars: A New Hope while the movie projected on stage.
- More than doubling the number of $500 Summer Music Camp Scholarships we award at our May concert, from 2 (previous) to 6 (current), to help students advance their musical studies at summer music festivals
- Increase in tuition scholarships available for families with financial need who would like their students to participate in SBYSO.
The SBYSO sincerely thanks the Joshi family for their longstanding commitment to the SBYSO and its mission. We are proud to honor Georgina and the Joshi family.
Georgina Joshi Endowment Donors
“The board of directors and staff of the South Bend Youth Symphony Orchestras, Inc. extend our profound gratitude to the following donors for generous gifts to establish our permanent endowment fund. The establishment of this fund was initiated by the Community Foundation of St. Joseph County, the Wilson Family Fund, and generous matching funds made available through the successful Give Local St. Joseph County event on May 5, 2015. All contributions to our endowment fund insure a stronger future for the SBYSO and its programs in perpetuity.”
Special Recognition
The Georgina Joshi Foundation, Inc.
The Comunity Foundation of St. Joseph County
The Wilson Family Fund
Additional Contributors
Edward & Sandy Atkinson
Michael & Sharlene Bumgarner
Barbara Byrum
Beutter Family Charitable Trust
Burnham & Beyler LLP
Suzanne Christenson
John & Karen Conway
Jonathan Cook
Steve & Karen Cox
Joyce Davis
Laura Elliott
Lee Riley
Foegley Landscape Inc.
Barbara Fredman
Alyssa Gillespe
Andrew Gould and Isabel Ferreira Gould
Blaine & Rhonda Griffin
John & Anne Griffith
Harriet Hamer
Lyle & Carolyn Hardman
Julie & Joseph Harmon
Ben Heller & Hope Hollocher
Sandra & Phil Kavanagh
Kathleen Kisch
Mona Lamb
Stephen Luecke
Brad & DeAnna McCool
Krista Bailey & Greg Koehler
Timothy & Diedre McTigue
Ellen Maher
Donald Maylath
Elizabeth & Tadeusz Mazurek
Susannah & Anthony Monta
Suzanne Christensen
Sherri & Ken Mott
Heungil Oh
Diane & Dennis Persin
Waylon & Kate Peterson
Jill & David Riggs