Georgina Joshi Performance Travel Fund
The Georgina Joshi Performance Travel Fund was created in 2015 as a part of the Georgina Joshi Endowment for the SBYSO. It underwrites a regional run-out performance or trip to hear a major orchestra perform every two years. Our first trip, in November 2015, allowed students to attend a Chicago Symphony Orchestra concert at Symphony Hall and to meet guest conductor Marin Alsop and composer Anna Clyne. This gives our students the opportunity to hear world-class musical opportunities. We thank the Georgina Joshi Endowment Fund for the SBYSO for making this opportunity possible. Our second trip was in June 2018 and gave our students the opportunity to see a projection of Star Wars: A New Hope while the orchestra played the soundtrack to the film. Our third trip, scheduled for June 2020, was cancelled due to COVID but will be rescheduled as soon as it is possible to do so.